Saturday, May 24, 2008

A smooth sixtyfive

Today was the first day of the "Century Ride of Centuries" event in Pendleton. Wildhorse Casino is the signature sponsor, so each day begins and ends there. Not really my kind of place, but, hey, if they sponsor a bike ride that's okay with me.
There was a 25, 65 and 100 mile option today. Keeping in mind tomorrow's uber-climb up to Meacham, I chose the 65, and just kept it smooth and even. The course was mostly along the Umatilla River on the old "Echo" highway all the way to the hamlet of Echo. The road was almost devoid of traffic, as there is a newer road from Echo to Pendleton. The countryside reminded me of the Touchet River Road, gently rolling. The road surface left a lot to be desired much of the way, making me thankful for a titanium bike.
I was wearing my Whitman kit, so at the lunch stop, I had people asking me if I knew about that Ann Ride that was in their packet. Indeed I do, I said, and plugged the ride. Hopefully we'll get some riders who saw our flyers.
Tomorrow I'll wear my "Hill Slug" jersey to match my approach to the route. :)

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