Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hammered...then redeemed

The bottom picture is the view that I should have seen on Sunday. The rests stops had great themes. The top picture is the "Aloha" theme from Saturday's ride:
So, after I got home from Sunday's epic day up Cabbage Hill, I felt absolutely hammered. Even a two hour nap did little to rejuvenate me. After dinner I was ready for bed again. The problem was, I'd left my helmet and Camelbak in the Hoffman's rig. I called Phil's cell, and he said that they wouldn't be back until 8 or 9, as they're on the organizing committee and had to stay for the evening's program. So, I waited up until they got back at 9:30, and got my stuff back. I had planned all along on only doing the Saturday and Sunday routes, but not being able to complete Saturday's route was niggling at me. Plus, the Hoffman's were doing the rest stop on Monday and had put a lot of time into their theme.
So I decided that if I got up on Monday and it was raining I was going back to bed. It wasn't raining. It wasn't raining in Pendleton, either, according to the computer. I'd slept in until 6:30, so that meant that I wouldn't be in Pendleton and riding until 9. A lot of good excuses not to go - hammered, tired, late, using up expensive gas to drive to Pendleton again....but then there was the training effect of another hard day. Okay, I gave in. The cyclist outvoted the logical lawyer again.
It proved to be a good choice. It was a gorgeous ride, beginning with a series of rollers over the plateau, then dropping down and following the Umatilla River up to the Bar M ranch. One of the most lovely settings that I've ever ridden in. The river was full, and the sound of the river was relaxing. The grade was subtle, and I was humming along.
The Hoffman's rest stop was themed after an aircraft carrier, the USS Lincoln (it was Memorial Day, after all), and there was a group of 15 or so cyclists ON the Lincoln who were replicating our ride on their spinning bikes each day. The Hoffman's had even made a miniature aircraft carrier. The hot, baked potatoes were there again, and I slathered mine in sour cream. I got to visit with baby Hazel's parents again, and had a nice time.
The ride down the river was smooth and fun. Then there was the climb up to the plateau. Not so fun, but not terrible. I discovered, though, that the rollers that I had flown down were not symmetrical. On the way out I had been going down the steep side, and climbing the longer, shallower sides. There was plenty of momentum from the steep side to get going on the shallow side. Now, however, the reverse was in action, along with a headwind.
I kept grinding it out, and then made the last climb up to Tamasklit and was done. Satisfaction! I went into the little cafe there and had a simply wonderful bowl of salmon/corn chowder, took a shower and headed home.
I was so glad that I'd decided to do the third day and finish the event. I felt redeemed.

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