Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lightly Toasted

I went out this morning to warm up at 6:30 before the group ride to Weston at 7:30. It was already comfortably warm at 6:30. With the forecast for a record 94 degrees, I decided to just go on up to Weston and climb the "old grade," which was the plan anyway.
Once I got up there, I decided to keep going until I had 30 miles. So, I climbed, and felt pretty good. I went past the old weigh station, and kept going. It was lovely up there, green and just a gorgeous day. I debated going all the way to the top at Tollgate, which is 40 miles, but I new it would be blazing hot once I dropped in altitude.
I flew down to Weston, and kept moving pretty well until Milton-Freewater. There, the heat hit like a blast furnace. I stopped at the convenience store and drank a bottle of Gatorade, then started towards home. All was well until about 8 miles from home, when I began to feel the heat and bloated to boot. Dropped into an easy gear, and made it home. It was 86 degrees when I came home.
With 5,900 feet of climbing for the morning I think that it was a good effort. Good enough for today.

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