Thursday, May 22, 2008

Non-lycra thoughts

've been thinking lately that my commuting garb might want to change. By riding to work in "full biking kit" (jersey, bike shorts, bike shoes) am I making commuting seem less accessible, less something that the average person might consider?
In keeping with this, I've biked with tennis shoes and a t-shirt a couple of times. The shorts are more problematic, as I have trouble with chafing due to the unique pedal stroke on my right leg with its new knee. I need to work on this concept.


Sparktography said...

You should come up with a business suit that's bike friendly. Cements your position AND makes you a millionaire in the process!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Hmm, lycra business suits though. They may have tried that in the 80's come to think of it- after all, that was the decade that brought us acid washed jeans and the piano tie. But I am sure you can improve upon it and make yourself rich for your dotage years!