Saturday, July 19, 2008

Still doggone sore

Okay, it's been seven days since STP. I expected my legs to be tired, but I didn't expect that my are sore when I turn the pedals.
They feel all right spinning slowly to work. But when I get out on the road, which I did Wednesday morning and this morning, they just plain ache deep down. Today the Hailstoners were going up Kooskooskie, and I turned around at Blue Creek. I figured if the legs were hurting it was time to go home.
I really, really, never remember having this happen before a week out. I thought by now I would just be rockin' strong.
Maybe I got dehydrated in the heat last week. I know that we didn't get anything to eat for nearly two hours after the finish, due to rounding everyone up, packing up the two rigs and getting our food at Red Robin.
Maybe I went really deep in my effort. That is true, for sure.
Anyway, I expect that some day my legs will feel like cyclist's legs again. I hope that day is soon!

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