Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A few pictures

To begin the journey, RJ delivered my luggage on her Surly/Extracycle, while I rode my bike up to Tom Baffney's with her. STP is a bike event, after all, right?

This is on of our custom "Hailstone" jerseys made up for our group. Hailstone refers to a particularly bad weather day many years ago involving an unexpected hail storm near Waitsburg. The group of highly educated and supposedly intelligent people took refuge during the lightning and hailstorm in a metal barn.
To be a true Hailstone rider, one must ride your bike in a hailstorm in the company of at least one other official Hailstone rider. Or something like that! I must confess I wasn't on the original ride, but have been well inducted into the clan by a number of hailstorms over the years.

The bright jerseys helped us to spot each other when we got separated from the other 9 Hailstoners among 9,000 of our closest cycling friends.

Here we are, posed for a group photo at Baffney's house, all fresh and eager. Included is Kim Hause, one of the rider's wives and our truly awesome support driver. Our other equally able support driver was taking the picture, supporting us already.

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