Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scenic Loop

Yesterday I did a ride that I had not done in a very long time. LIke, for nearly 20 years! On my "re-cycled" fat tire Davidson, I rode up Kooskooskie, and turned up the gravel, switch-back side. At first I thought, "piece of cake," as I spun up the first pitch. Then I skated over a icy and nearly flat area. Hey, no problem, that's what these fat tires are for.

Now the real climbing began. Ouch! No longer did the low, low gear do it. I was grinding out about 40 rpm, wondering if walking would be better. Three miles of climbing. I paused where it widened out near the top, and gazed down on the tiny toy houses from the valley where I'd come from.

This is what I love about climbing - the sense of accomplishment when you look back and think "yeah, I did that!" Whatever else may be going on in my life, here's one thing that I can do. I come back re-centered and ready to take on life again (maybe after a nap!)

Here's my ride from yesterday:

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