While researching for a CLE (continuing legal education) presentation on bicycle law and claims, I found this law in Washington state:
47.26.300 Bicycle routes ‑‑ Legislative declaration.
The state of Washington is confronted with emergency shortages of energy sources utilized for the transportation of its citizens and must seek alternative methods of providing public mobility.
Bicycles are suitable for many transportation purposes, and are pollution‑free in addition to using a minimal amount of resources and energy. However, the increased use of bicycles for both transportation and recreation has led to an increase in both fatal and nonfatal injuries to bicyclists.
The legislature therefore finds that the establishment, improvement, and upgrading of bicycle routes is necessary to promote public mobility, conserve energy, and provide for the safety of the bicycling and motoring public.
This could have been written this week, given the news that Governor Gregoire is currently considering a 4 day work-week for state employees.
When did the legislature pass this law?
In 1974, during the Arab oil embargo. Think what our state might be like if we had acted on this measure consistently in the 34 years since it was passed.
Is there anything that can be done to _encourage_ the government to act upon it's own passed measures?
Let your legislators know that bicycling as transportation is a priority!
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