Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Spring Creek

Slight grade, slightly steep, steeper, then just plain steep - that's how I describe the 4 mile climb up Spring creek. It's a "must do" at least once a year. Sunday was that day. Here I am at the very beginning of the climb, hot, but not yet in pain.

Tied to a post at the the top is one of the purple "Ann Ribbons" which area cyclists have placed at favorite local bike ride spots in her memory. As I was riding her bike that day, I thought this was a particularly appropriate shot.

Here's the view from the end of the pavement (the gravel continues, steeply, for about another mile). I'm not sure if this photo does the percentage grade justice, but let me tell you, those last couple of hundred yards just plain hurt, even with a tailwind.

Will I do it again? You bet! I may be slow, but I love to climb and look down at how far I've come.

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